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Take A Moment with TONIC

April 15, 2022•moments

Take A Moment with TONIC

About The Brand: It started simply: Find a better way to feel better. Combining CBD with adaptogens back in 2017, TONIC’s Founder stumbled on something unique, but that would only be the beginning of what turned out to be a much greater mission. Their cultivation practices reflect their deep respect for the hemp plant and the soil in which it is grown. Working in concert with nature, they can ensure they are giving the land just as much as it is giving us.

TONIC Founder Brittany took a moment to chat with Etain about the brand and the Zen Dog Treats carried at all Etain medical cannabis dispensary locations in New York.

What’s the meaning behind the TONIC brand name?

I wanted something that simply and effectively captured what our products are. The straight up definition of an herbal ‘tonic’ is an herb or blend of herbs that help restore, tone, and invigorate systems of the body while promoting general health and well-being. The core of what we do is combine cannabinoids with herbs and adaptogens to restore your essential mind-body balance and #fixyourvibe. Cannabis, and other ingredients like black seed oil and ashwagandha are TONICs by definition because they work to activate and strengthen so many various physiological systems with the goal of restoring and maintaining homeostasis and restoring overall wellbeing. The way in which we combine these different ingredients is the magic of TONIC - it is what allows us to direct the effects towards specific need states to provide targeted support where you need it the most.

Do you have a favorite product in the overall TONIC line?

The O.G. is my first born and will always be my favorite. It is the original blend of CBD and ashwagandha that changed my life and led to me creating the TONIC brand so I could share this healing with as many people as possible. I take it every morning and it just helps me get my day started with less stress and more balance which might sound small but for somebody who struggles with depression and anxiety it is huge!

Since starting the brand, what’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a women owned business?

That community is everything and knowledge is power! Collaboration over competition is truly what it’s all about. When you are starting off boot strapped and on this journey alone, especially as a woman, having the right people around you to support you, guide you and inspire you. Aside from having the right people around you, being armed with knowledge is the best thing you can as a woman running your own business. Do the research. Learn as much as you can because knowledge is power and knowing your sh*t is the best way to demand the respect you deserve and let people know that they can’t get one over on you.

What made you decide to create Zen Dog CBD treats?

Simple - the only thing I love more than cannabis is my dog!... and dogs in general. So, when I learned about all of the benefits that CBD has for dogs, I was instantly inspired to expand our offerings into dog treats! I knew that they had to be the highest quality ingredients and something that I could (and would) eat myself. Zen Dog treats have definitely been a go-to over the years not only for my dog Cheech but for me and the TONIC team as well :)

How do you Take A Moment?

I meditate every morning to start my day with some alone time that allows me to center and ground myself. Throughout the day, other than using TONIC products, I will try to get outside for a little bit to recenter and refresh.