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Take A Moment with Puff Cards

October 7, 2022•moments

Take A Moment with Puff Cards

About The Brand: Puff Cards is a female majority-equity company in the cannabis space that believes in wellness and making memories. Puff Cards can be used to gift everything from candy to sustainable cosmetics. Through quality cards adorned with original artwork and clever copy, they promote experience-based gifting that aims to make the world a better place.

Puff Cards Founder Chelsea took a moment to chat with Etain about the brand and their unique greeting cards available at Etain medical cannabis legal dispensary locations near you in New York.

What’s the meaning behind the Puff Cards brand name?

The meaning behind the brand name originates with the iconic saying, “Puff puff pass.” Our greeting cards are the vessels that quite literally, pass the puff. We wanted to make it easy and affordable to share art and cannabis in a discrete and convenient way that celebrates this beautiful plant with like-minded people.

Gifting cannabis has been a thing since high school. Graduation gift? Cheers to higher achievements. Birthday? Let’s light one for another year! Christmas? It’s always red and green when my family is stuffing the stockings. Since gifting cannabis came naturally it was only a matter of time before realizing there was a market and demand for cannabis ancillary products. After pursuing cannabis greeting cards under another brand name, Puff Cards came to life after a bad business breakup. Ideas began floating around and we capitalized on pursuing a patent for our unique die-cut design. Once the patent was approved we launched the brand and never looked back. We are the only greeting card that you can put flower inside without odor blowing the surprise.

What’s your favorite Puff Card design?

My partners crush absolutely every design so it’s really hard to choose just one! BUT, I would have to say it's a tie between Centaur Magic and our Rose Stained Glass Collage. I’m a lover of all things mystical, magical, and out of this world which is fully captured by the Centaur card. The amount of detail embedded in this design is unreal. Every time you look at it, you find something new that you didn’t catch before. The Rose Stained Glass Collage is elegantly beautiful making it the perfect design to fit occasions that call for grace, sincerity, or pleasure and we are proud to say this design is available at Etain!

Since starting the brand, what’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a women-owned business?

Never get discouraged and always believe in yourself. The entrepreneurial journey is tough enough as it is, and being a woman in a male-dominated industry adds its own set of challenges. There will be those who laugh, ridicule, be unimpressed, and are jealous. If you stay true to yourself, keep your head down, and continue working towards your goals no matter the circumstances, you are destined for success.

How do you Take A Moment?

My favorite way to take a moment is with my coveted daily ritual. Upon rising the day begins with coffee, morning pages, yoga practice, and packing flower into my favorite piece. No matter how early the day is set to start, this tradition is a sacred one that I always manage to make time for. There’s something special about starting the day with a pen to paper, releasing a free flow of thoughts from the quantum to the physical. Some of my best ideas come from this space. Once the mental release is complete it's time to get the body moving. Cannabis always helps me to breathe a little deeper, move a little slower, and fully connect with my body. Aligning the mind with breath and movement sets every day up for success. Taking a moment and carving out time for daily self-care has completely transformed my life.

Shop Puff Cards at the Etain NYC medical cannabis legal dispensary near you in Midtown Manhattan.