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Take a Moment with NoSmellNoTell (NSNT)

March 4, 2022•moments

Take a Moment with NoSmellNoTell (NSNT)

About The Brand

NoSmellNoTell (nsnt) neutralizes and eliminates all cannabis related smells found in the air as well as on all water-safe fabrics, including clothing, blankets, curtains, carpets, you name it! Unlike most air fresheners on the market, it is not a masking agent; it doesn’t try to hide the odor by disguising it or replacing it with another scent. Just one spray of nsnt eliminates all cannabis related smells, leaving no scent in its tracks. The fragrance-free spray works by using the proven scientific principle of odor conjugation. The simple chemistry is to have one molecule in our formula attach itself to one molecule of a cannabis related smell and together they quickly become totally neutralized, returning your environment to a completely smell-free environment! The fragrance-free spray bottle is made from recycled plastic and product/packaging is biodegradable.

NoSmellNoTell Founder Jaime took a moment to chat with Etain about her brand and the fragrance free sprays carried at all Etain locations.

What’s the meaning behind the brand name?

I give my friend Robyn credit for the rhyme. Because the 'Air Freshener' category is so crowded, we wanted a name that explained what we do and why we're different. All it took was a 10 minute smoke session for her to nail it!

Do you have a favorite product in the nsnt line?

Since it's all the same formula, I can tell you my favorite size -- the 2oz! It goes with me everywhere, especially on vacation.. we take rental car and hotel security deposits very seriously!

Since starting the brand, what’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a women owned business?

One of the many lessons I have learned so far is to surround myself with other women entrepreneurs (especially in the cannabis market) that have experience, knowledge and kindness to help a small business find its wings.

How do you think NoSmellNoTell Sprays compliment the Etain medical cannabis products?

First, I connect with the name Etain in many ways. Also a family business, my father & I created an odor elimination company many years ago with formulas created for pet owners and commercial properties. When he passed away unexpectedly, to say I was lost is an understatement. Two years ago I decided to make this business my own and go back to the chemist’s drawing board, creating a new brand that better reflects my passion. Like Granny Franny said “no matter the challenge life brings, an enduring spirit will always win out in the end – even if in a new, unexpected form.”

Secondly, we are both on a mission to make high quality products that make a difference. We believe that nsnt can help all cannabis consumers/patients, by allowing them to have a chill, enjoyable and confident experience with no worry or anxiety that their neighbors will be knocking on the door to complain as soon as the lighter is sparked!

How do you Take A Moment?

There is not a night that goes by that I don’t feel compelled to make a list of everything I felt grateful for that day. It’s been a bumpy ride so far, but with open-minded companies like Etain that celebrates women-led local businesses, it makes the journey that much smoother and worth it!