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Take A Moment with Get Supr

June 29, 2022•moments

Take A Moment with Get Supr

About The Brand: Get Supr is an answer to today's fast-paced society, Get Supr is your uplifting, daily intake of coffee that gives you the burst of mellow energy you desire to make life a little easier. 100% Organic Arabica instant coffee infused with broad spectrum Hemp extract, containing all the naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes. They include 20mg of hemp extract in their coffee to give you a true "entourage effect." All the benefits without the "high" as their products are non-psychoactive.

Get Supr Founder Whitney took a moment to chat with Etain about the brand and her CBD infused coffee available at all Etain legal medical cannabis dispensary locations in New York.

What’s the meaning behind the Get Supr brand name?

The meaning behind the name is the feeling and mission we hope to evoke within each of our consumers. “Get Supr” is our mission to help everyone feel a little better throughout their day - the first way we are looking to achieve that is by providing a solution to a large majority of the population’s biggest struggle. ’How do I have my coffee without the side effects?’

How do you take your coffee and what’s your favorite thing to pair it with?

I love drinking Get Supr black! We had the coffee taste tested and I love the flavor profile we have created. Also, my other favorite way to consume Get Supr is (if I’m feeling a bit wild) by having it in an espresso martini! Recipe is on our Instagram and TikTok.

Since starting the brand, what’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a women owned business?

Get Supr has taught me a lot about playing small vs going all-in. I’ve struggled with feeling like a fraud since I come from a marketing background and creating a product has been such a new experience for me. Sometimes I want to stay small out of fear of making mistakes. But that mentality does nothing for myself or the company. It’s taught me that I have a lot of fear of going “all-in” but when I do decide to go for it, the opportunities are endless.

What do you think the Get Supr product compliments Etain’s medical cannabis products?

I think Get Supr compliments Etain's mission and cannabis products by aligning with both of our missions. The first being a female owned business and by encouraging and supporting other female led brands and the second being that we share in the mission of helping people to feel better during their healing journey. The power of cannabis has impacted so many and there is so much more we have to do to educate the population. The best way we can do this is by teaming up and being collaborative with our efforts! This is why we felt that Etain was such an incredible partner to align with!

How do you Take A Moment?

I take a moment by really evaluating my mental health and self care. Being an entrepreneur with a start up can feel very heavy at times and almost like the todo list is never ending. I try to evaluate how I'm feeling consistently and take time to take care of myself. My morning and nightly routines are paramount for me. I always start my day with Get Supr and usually unwind with a CBD sleep tincture!

Shop Get Supr CBD infused coffee at all Etain legal medical cannabis dispensary locations in New York